Thursday, June 9, 2011

Kick off

"Don't change who you are, just because you have the opportunity to."

That's my summer mantra. Another year has come and gone and I can't believe it. I have so much to look forward to this summer and I'm more than ready to sit back, relax, and let it roll. Last year, I was so dedicated to find an inner peace and was desperate for a sense of change...which never really came. Well, if there is one thing I learned this past school year is change happens when you least expect it to. That's so horribly cliche I can't even stand it, but it's actually kind of true. Change sometimes comes gradually, sometimes really suddenly, sometimes you notice it right away, and other times you don't realize how much has changed until you stop and look at the past. If there is one thing I love about the summer is the possibility it holds. I have a tendency to become reclusive at home, but eventually I slowly immerse myself in all the glorious wonder of home and revel in it. This isn't the time to be worrying about what can happen, but instead seriously loving every moment of what IS happening. Breathing in the moments...and kicking their ass!

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