Friday, June 10, 2011

In Progress

I'm going to attempt to write in here about every day, or every other day if possible but that's pre-working Kelsey, so we'll see how it goes. And I can't guarantee I'll have anything good to say either. Not every day can have a philosophical insight, although I'm sure there are many 80 something year old people that would disagree with me. With that said, don't expect anything profound...

However, (there's always a "however" in life, isn't there?)...however, today I realized I'm pretty hard on myself with the things I want to accomplish. I expect a lot from myself as an individual and if I don't achieve it, I pretty much just give up and act like I never really cared much in the first place. And I'm incredibly picky about what I choose to be convicted in. I guess it all depends on my mood really. Either I'm motivated and reluctantly critical, or I'm lackadaisical and painfully cavalier. That was a lot of adverbs and adjectives. Anyway, I just want to try to be more clear in thought and the choices I make in general. And if I want to be that way, it'll take some conviction, but also knowing when enough is enough. By "in general" I mean mostly love-related. I just need to clear up the heart and kind of re-group. Wipe the slate kind of clean, or as much as you can, and remind myself that if you don't like the way things are going...change your attitude.

Attitude change: in progress.

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