Monday, June 20, 2011


My brother is the coolest. Alright, so he's usually a pain in the ass and he gets on my nerves a lot, but he's one of the best big brothers a girl could have. I came home tonight from work, pissed as ever, and then I realized my brother was over. Yes, I have to admit I was still a little heated about work, but slowly I relaxed because Kyle has a way of reminding me to be goofy. We haven't always had the best relationship and we often get frustrated with each other. I honestly think it's because we are so similar. Just the other night he was being overly protective and I convinced myself I'd stay mad at him until the apology, which would never come, was said. I saw him the next morning and I couldn't help myself, I wasn't able to stay mad. He has a way of keeping me on my toes, understanding qualities that are often misinterpreted, and appreciating my sense of humor and often sarcastic demeanor. I miss having him around the house. I really do. As much as we used to bicker when he was here, that's as much of a support system we were for each other. Through it all, Kyle and I were there for each other, no matter what. I know we always will be too. I look back at my high school years and it was Kyle, not my father who would wait up for me to come home. It was Kyle who I'd talk to about a boy (not as a girl would gossip, but in asking for advice and seeking approval). Kyle was the one who I would joke around with and stay up late watching movies with. It's hard for me, not having him around as much. I guess when I'm at school I don't really notice. I know he's happy living where he is now, but I do wish him and I had more alone time. It's hard to come by now, but I suppose that's a part of growing up. When he does come around though, I absorb every minute and appreciate it, whether he knows it or not!

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