Monday, June 13, 2011

Another day, another dollar

I can feel summer setting in. I know, it's a little early to say I've felt the full effects of summer and I'm by no means saying I have...I can just feel it starting to take hold. Tonight was my first night back at work and the quick and slow pace of it all makes me remember how different I am from last summer. I've grown as a person and I can tell when I go back to familiar places, people, and tasks: like my job. I'm really proud of the person I am, even though I make mistakes. There's a new girl at work and she went to college to become a therapist. When I found this out, I immediately wanted to talk to her more. That's probably not normal, but I told her anyways and she said, "Well what do you need advice on?" I honestly and truly couldn't think of anything I wanted someonelse's input on. I think that is a very, very good thing. It shows I'm learning to stand on my own two feet and make decisions for myself. As summer goes forward I'm anticipating all the challenges and opportunities that will head my way. I just hope life keeps me on my toes and surprises me every once in a while.

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