Saturday, June 11, 2011

Chew On This

I heard two really interesting things today, and both of them came totally out of no where but it leaves you with an incomplete feeling, knowing you can't totally dissect and digest them as you would like. So:

"You might not ever be right for someone...and they might never be right for you. But they might be less wrong than someone else." ...Think about that for a minute. It's true. You might never find someone who will be 100% right for you, but you might find someone who is less wrong than anyone else. Maybe that's more of what people need to look for: not perfection, but someone who fits. But I don't really want to talk about love and emotion. That's not what the point of this post is. The point was to make you think. Let it sink in, take that apart as you wish.

"Disappointment is anger for wimps. It's okay to get angry every once in awhile." I get disappointed a lot. Too much. But I don't like being angry, so where does that leave me? I suppose when you get angry, you might as well get good and angry. Maybe disappointment, if left alone too long, morphs into anger. Who knows. Honestly, I just wanted to share these two things. They can't be picked apart really. But until my next post, chew on those thoughts. But leave a little flavor for the next one.

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