Thursday, July 14, 2011

Livin's Easy

It's been way to long since I've posted in here. Life has been crazy busy, but crazy good. I've been letting go of the past and things I don't need, enjoying the present, and becoming really excited for the future. For the first time, in a long time, I feel totally comfortable with the world that surrounds me. I'm trying to embrace what's around me and really take in all of the wonderful changes that have been coming my way. It's not always easy to handle things head on, but sometimes that's exactly what you have to do, in order to get you to a better place. There's a difference between being selfish about your actions and doing what's best for you. It's a learning process and I don't have all the answers. But life's good my friends, life. is. good.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Busy busy busy! I did say that this summer would be eventful and so far it has been. Life has been a whirlwind of things and for once I'm just rollin' with the wave. Excuse the metaphor but for the first time I feel like rather than body surfing, I actually have a surf board this time. I'm more prepared for challenge, love, and laughter than I ever have been before. I feel fully equipped to tackle life right now. Change is in the air and I'm taking deep breaths.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Leap of Faith

"I am coming to terms with the fact that loving someone requires a leap of faith , and that a soft landing is never guaranteed."

I read that quote today in the book by Sarah Dessen, one of my favorite authors. She has a way of putting things so elegantly simple it almost feels as if you yourself couldn't have written it any better. A leap of faith comes in many forms, whether it's romance or work, and you never know how you'll land or if there will be someone waiting to catch you. Sometimes, you just have to take a step back and lunge yourself forward into a situation. You may have been hurt, you may have doubts, but you'll never know what's around the next corner if you stop trying.

Monday, June 20, 2011


My brother is the coolest. Alright, so he's usually a pain in the ass and he gets on my nerves a lot, but he's one of the best big brothers a girl could have. I came home tonight from work, pissed as ever, and then I realized my brother was over. Yes, I have to admit I was still a little heated about work, but slowly I relaxed because Kyle has a way of reminding me to be goofy. We haven't always had the best relationship and we often get frustrated with each other. I honestly think it's because we are so similar. Just the other night he was being overly protective and I convinced myself I'd stay mad at him until the apology, which would never come, was said. I saw him the next morning and I couldn't help myself, I wasn't able to stay mad. He has a way of keeping me on my toes, understanding qualities that are often misinterpreted, and appreciating my sense of humor and often sarcastic demeanor. I miss having him around the house. I really do. As much as we used to bicker when he was here, that's as much of a support system we were for each other. Through it all, Kyle and I were there for each other, no matter what. I know we always will be too. I look back at my high school years and it was Kyle, not my father who would wait up for me to come home. It was Kyle who I'd talk to about a boy (not as a girl would gossip, but in asking for advice and seeking approval). Kyle was the one who I would joke around with and stay up late watching movies with. It's hard for me, not having him around as much. I guess when I'm at school I don't really notice. I know he's happy living where he is now, but I do wish him and I had more alone time. It's hard to come by now, but I suppose that's a part of growing up. When he does come around though, I absorb every minute and appreciate it, whether he knows it or not!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Pressing On

Today was literally a roller coaster of emotions. It started off really great, I went out and had a really nice time with a guy. I suppose it was a date of sorts, and I couldn't even tell you the last time I actually went out on a date. Either way it was nice to feel that way again and I'm excited to see where it goes, if anything it looks like I'll get a really kick ass friendship out of it.

It was also father's day today which meant spending the day attempting to tolerate all of my Dad's little annoying qualities. This summer, so far, as been a test to the ongoing struggle I have with keeping my mouth shut and letting my Dad's painfully crude character roll off my shoulders. Sounds harsh, but it's just one of those things that I have a tough time with. Moving back home has not been easy. It's not so much the party life style I miss, because I honestly don't have the time or much of the will for it, but mostly the freedom of not having to account for myself at every moment of the day. It's frustrating and I'm hoping it's just a transition phase.

But back to father's day. We went to my Opa's grave today. There is something overwhelmingly powerful about seeing your grandfather's birth and death dates on a tombstone. It sucked. Today was the first day I let myself really feel the finality of my Opa's death. I still haven't let it all in yet, but today was the first inch closer to allowing myself to accept it. We went to my Oma's after having dinner and I thought I had pretty well collected myself, but I guess I was wrong. When the whole family was outside looking at the pond, I slowly crept inside and curled into my Opa's chair. I just sat there for a minute, wrapped around myself, and let my fingers play with the fabric of the quilt that is draped over the arm of the chair. I closed my eyes...and cried. My Opa used to play with the quilt too and the chair kind of still smells like him. As I lay there, as absorbed in the chair as possible, I felt exactly as I did the moment I found out he had passed away. I let the feeling wash over me, as I have before, but this time I let myself feel it just a little bit longer. I hope eventually I'll be able to fully feel it. We'll see.

The days are getting longer it seems but the weeks are getting shorter. Summer is here and life presses on as usual. Just like anything else, time goes forward.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Let Go

Letting go of someone is actually really easy. Practically anyone can write off someone else. It's a simple and swift move. But letting go of the idea of someone, well that's an entirely different beast. It's usually the lingering memory or the concept of the person that we so tightly hold onto. Rarely do we long for a person as a body, but more of the emotions and memories the person ignites in us. Letting go of an idea is hard.

When do you realize the moment you are ready? I mean, when do you finally see that this person no longer fits into your life, that the place that was once designated for them so specifically, is now void? How do you describe someone as what they were to you, rather than what they are? It's these kinds of things that bounce around in my head anytime I make a move in my love life. I could probably pinpoint the moment I start thinking these and the moment I actually put them into action. Every woman has a different tactic. Some use anger as motivation, some use distance, some use hopelessness, some use people. It changes with each situation.

My situation calls for a change. It's very simple actually; this is just not working anymore. The moment you realize that a situation can not work no matter what direction you take, then that when you find pick a move: out.

I'm not sure if I believe in fate, or if everything happens for a reason, or if we have the choice to change our actions. I just think that right now, I'm letting go of what isn't working, and that's all that I really can do: hold onto what is helping me. I know that at this point in my life, if I'm going to make a decision, I should stick to matter how wonderful a memory I'm leaving behind. Holding onto the ghost of a person isn't ideal. And you can't capture a ghost. I'm slowly creeping into the waters of the unknown, leaving a comfortable concept, and cutting loose what I don't need. I might be a little shaky of what I'm doing, but I'll stick to it. If I can do that, I'll think I'll be fine.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Go on

Tonight I realized I'm not over my Opa's death. Yep, starting off heavy with this one.

Anyways, I was at my great uncle's funeral and I saw the family in a semi-circle around the casket all upset and I couldn't help but be shoved back a month ago when me and my family were doing the exact same thing. My very next thought was to replay everything I had done since my Opa passed away, mostly everything I had done today...before this funeral. Let me back up. When my Opa passed away I couldn't help but be ticked off at every random stranger for not understanding that my grandfather just died. I kept looking around at everyone living their lives and all I could think was, "Do you people not know what has happened to me? Have you no heart? My grandfather just died! How are you living your lives!" I expected every one's world to end, shift, change somehow, just as mine did.

So there I was, looking at the family and thinking about how it was only a few weeks ago I was looking at my Opa in the hospital, knowing it was a matter of hours until he passed away, and seriously considering how I would ever be able to function normally again. I suppose in some aspects, I ran away to school. It was a safe haven for me, and dealing with the loss of my Opa only came to me on weekends when I came home. And then just as the pang of loss would almost drown me, I would neatly tuck it away for when I could return to it. But, I never let it sink it. The dust never settled.

I miss my Opa. I think about him so much, all the time. I want to see him, to talk to him, to look at him as he smiles widely when I tell a story about school or my love life. I miss everything. I can only imagine how my Oma feels, this life of loss and loneliness is her reality. When the rest of us go on and go about our lives, her life is left forever shattered.

I'm not as tough as I'd like to be. Sometimes I'll be sitting with friends, or in a lecture, or cleaning my room, or watching television and I'll get totally overcome by a feeling of longing for him. I don't tell anyone this. Instead, I let it wash over me, and store is somewhere else. I'm sure at some point, I'll have to face the fact that I have many many many years to go forward without my Opa. And eventually, I'll have to accept that he's not here. I think I'll just slowly start to let myself fully grieve and learn how to deal with it. Throughout that, I want to make my Opa proud and go on remembering him as much as I can. He was such a good, wonderful person. And I miss him terribly, but I'll be alright eventually. Slowly you do start to find happiness again, you laugh, you smile, you remember, and eventually the pieces of your life come back together and you find the strength to go on.